MTH420 Mathematical Modeling

some appropriate image goes here
Class Schedule:T,Th 10:00-11:15 F 11:30-12:45
Class Location:Duffy 114
Professor:Dr. Eugene Quinn

General Information Announcements Syllabus Projects Notes and Handouts Links

General Information

This page contains information relating to the senior capstone course, mathematical modeling.

Text: D.D. Mooney and R. J. Swift A Course in Mathematical Modeling (ISBN-13: 9780883857120)


4/10/2012 The tentative schedule for term project presentations is as follows:
  • Thursday, 4/26 Cortney, Kathleen
  • Friday, 4/27 Corey, Meghan
  • Tuesday, 5/1 Patrick, Steve
  • Thursday, 5/3 Dan
  • Drop boxes for the first six projects have been created in eLearn. You can team up if you like or work individually.
  • In lieu of a final exam there will be a term project due at the end of the semester. If you have a problem you would like to work on please discuss it with me. If you prefer, I can supply a topic.
  • Due dates are listed for each of the first six projects. You should should be prepared to present your solution to the class on the due date. The presentation is a required part of the assignment.
  • Late projects will not be accepted. However, you may improve and resubmit a project that was originally submitted on time.
1/13/2012 Stonehill College is committed to providing all students equal access to learning opportunities. The Center for Academic Achievement is the campus office that works with students who have disabilities to provide and/or arrange reasonable accommodations. Students registered with The Center, who have a letter requesting accommodations, are encouraged to contact the instructor early in the semester. Students who have, or think they may have, a disability (e.g. psychiatric, attentional, learning, vision, hearing, physical, or systemic), are invited to contact The Center for Academic Achievement for a confidential discussion at 508-565-1208.


test.rTest R program
RThe R statistical computing language
PythonThe Python programming language
ActiveStateThe Python Cookbook
SimPyA python-based simulation package
GNU OctaveThe GNU Octave numerical computation language (similar to Matlab)


Due DateProject
2/14/2012Introduction: Jelly bean count model
2/16/2012Project 1: Two-compartment drug model
2/21/2012Project 2: 3-compartment pharmacokinetic model
2/23/2012Project 3: Discrete SIR epidemic model
2/28/2012Project 4: Gasoline leak model
3/1/2012Project 5: Ricker stock recruitment model
3/6/2012Project 6: The Beverton-Holt model
4/10/2012Project 7: EPA mileage model
4/17/2012Project 8: Data smoothing exercise

Notes and Handouts

3/22/2012df1 data frame for polynomial regression